Si t'agrada algú li dius? - If you like someone do you tell him/her?

Si la teva resposta és no, et pot interessar llegir més a baix.

No sé quan important és per a tu escollir o ser escollit a l'hora de relacionar-te. L'ideal seria escollir-se mutuament. No creus?

En el passat no tant llunyà, jo era molt tímid i encara ho sóc una mica. Fet que he treballat bastant els últims anys.

Fa uns anys, recordo que vaig conèixer una noia que em va agradar. Després de sortir i fer unes copes, vam tornar cadascú a les cases respectives. Una vegada era jo a casa meva li vaig escriure un missatge de mòvil per a dir-li que m'agradava. Ella em va contestar una mica més tard, i em va dir que jo era amic de la seva companya de pis. Jo em vaig empipar i no la vaig trucar ni escriure més.

Després d'un mes, però, ella em va trucar per acomiadar-se donat que se'n anava a viure a l'estranger. Jo que vaig reconèixer la seva veu al primer instant li vaig preguntar, "qui ets?". Des de llavors, vam quedar vàries vegades. Jo no m'atrevia a dir-li res personal o dir-li que m'agradava. De fet, m'havia oblidat que li havia dit per mòvil feia uns mesos. Fins que va arribar un dia en què ella em va preguntar la seva frase senzilla però genial: "si t'agrada algú, tu li dius?"

Jo li vaig respondre, ràpidament i innocentment, " si clar". Després d'haver dit això, em vaig adonar que en certa manera m'havia traïcionat a mi mateix. Li havia dit que sí perquè tenia un bon concepte de mi mateix i em pensava capaç d'apropar-me a qui volia i dir que m'agrada. Pero la veritat era que no devia ser tant llançat.

A la sortida del café. Li vaig dir que li havia de dir una cosa. Ella va posar cara de curiositat i em va preguntar: "Quina cosa?" Jo, quasi tremolant, li vaig dir, "ei que m'agrades..." ella va respondre amb un mig sonriure i va dir "ah vale".

Després d'això tot va anar millor. La questió va ser curiosa. La raó que em va fer dir-li que m'agradava, tot i que era veritat que la trobava molt maca, va ser més per ser coherent amb mi mateix per allò que haviat dit abans.

Sembla mentida com podem arribar a ser algunes (o moltes) persones! No creus?


If the answer to the question is no, then what`s written below can be of your interest.

However, how important is it for you to choose or be chosen when it comes to personal and intimate relations? The ideal situation might be a mutual choice. Don't you think?

Not so many years ago, I remember that I was very shy, and despite the personal work I have been doing, even now I am still slightly timid when it comes to express my feelings to those I like.

Some years ago, I went out for some drinks with a lady who was a former colleague and I brought another friend. When I arrived, she was accompanied with to two other girls. I remember that one of them was to me very beautiful and I liked her. Later aftrer having exchanged our telephones we decided to leave to our respective homes. That night, I sent to her a text message saying that I liked her. She replied later and said that I was a friend of her flat mate. With her reply I came to the conclusion that she was not interested and I erased her name from my phone.

However, after a month, I received a phone call from her and she said that she was leaving Barcelona to live somewhere abroad. Although I instantly recognised her voice I asked her “who are you”?...

Since then we started to meet when she would come to Barcelona. In those meetings I remember that I never again told he that I liked her. As a matter of fact, it was somehow embarrassing and I would avoid the subject. That was this way until one specific night. A night that she came up with one of her extremely smart but apparently simple questions: ”If you like someone do you tell the person?”

My reply to that question was an automatic and innocent “yes, of course”. Just a second after having said that, I somehow felt that I had betrayed my sense of embarrassment and, therefore, myself. I had said that because at first I thought I was able to address to anyone on any subject. Be it a lady, a boss or whomever. But the truth was not really like that.

Leaving the cafe, I said to her that I had to tell her something. She looked at me with some calm curiosity and said “ ok, go ahead”. Then I with a trembling voice said to her. Ei, look, I like you. And she, smiled and said “Ok. Thank you.”.

After this, all was more clear and we even ended up as a couple.

It may sound weird and I believe that this not only happens with a few men like me, but the reason that “forced” me to go to her and declare my feelings towards her was, rather to be coherent with what I just had said to her earlier on.

Isn´t it strange sometimes the way how some (or many) of us operate. Don't you think?